Monday, March 29, 2010

In the (re)beginning

What makes a good web developer? I'm not entirely certain, but I don't think I am there yet.

Its not that I'm inexperienced. I've been developing web sites professionally since 1998, and a tinkerer before that. I've encountered many different situations, and have usually handled them pretty well. I certainly have become adept at getting crap applications that don't work to the point that they work adequately.

Perhaps being a PHP5 Zend Certified Engineer makes you a good developer. I don't think it does, however. It makes you knowledgeable of syntax and what's available for use in PHP5, but it doesn't necessarily make you a good developer. In fact, it may just mean you are good at memorizing data for passing a test.

It isn't that I don't consider myself a capable developer, as I have accomplished a lot during my career. However, some things have happened recently that rocked my confidence to its core. I feel out of the loop with a lot of the "big" web technologies, and have found it detrimental to getting work. I have less experience on the front end than I would like, while also not having the "scalable" experience to be a big-time back end developer. It got so bad I considered giving it up entirely.

Fortunately for myself, I think I have turned the corner. I'm committed to making another go at being good at this profession. I don't expect to be the greatest architect, a master of CSS, or a fail-proof db optimizer. I do expect to find a way to be great at my career, and doing it my own way. And I will take you along with me.

That's right, faithful future readers who breathlessly browsed the archives, I'm going to be chronicling this crazy journey. I pledge to be introspective* (you know, I'll disappear up my ass), brutally honest**, and entertaining***. Things might get technical occasionally, which means half of you won't get it, and the other half will be sure to me I'm the one who doesn't get it. Its gonna be fun, I guarantee it. Or double your money back ****.

* I'll disappear up my ass in oversimplified analysis and engage in unsolicited philosophical diatribes
**Names will be changed to protect those who didn't make this pledge. Also, there will be a wee fucking bit o' cussing on this blog.
***Or not. Either way, both good, right?
****Not valid if someday I'm charging you for reading this.

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